What are the differences between Creative Movement & PreBallet?

Creative movement:

  1. Focuses on free expression and exploration of movement

  2. Less structured, with an emphasis on imagination and self-discovery

  3. Often incorporates props, music, and storytelling

  4. Develops general motor skills, coordination, and body awareness

  5. Suitable for a wider age range, typically starting from around 3 years old


  1. Introduces basic ballet techniques and vocabulary

  2. More structured, with specific exercises and positions

  3. Emphasizes proper body alignment and posture

  4. Prepares children for formal ballet training

  5. Usually designed for slightly older children, often starting around 5-7 years olds

Genna Baroni

Movement teacher & massage therapist specializing in chronic pain management & nervous system integration.


Why should my child take Creative Movement?


Port Townsend Grand Opening (2019)