In-Person Script

Dancer: Hi! My name is [Dancer's Name], and this is my mom, [Mom's Name]. We live here in [City/Neighborhood Name].

Mom: We're reaching out to local businesses like yours because [Dancer's Name] has been invited to compete in [Competition Name], a prestigious dance competition happening [date/month].

Dancer: I've been dancing for [X] years and this is a really exciting opportunity for me. The competition will bring together talented young dancers from all over [region/country].

Mom: We're hoping to partner with local businesses to help cover some of the costs associated with the competition, such as travel expenses and entry fees.

Dancer: In return for your support, we'd love to promote your business. We could [mention your business on social media / wear your logo on our team jacket / distribute your flyers at the competition].

Mom: Would you be interested in supporting a young local artist like [Dancer's Name]? Any contribution, big or small, would be greatly appreciated.

Dancer: Thank you for your time and for considering supporting youth arts in our community!

Cold Calling Script

Dancer: Hello, may I please speak with [Business Owner's Name] or the person in charge of community outreach?

[If transferred]

Dancer: Hi [Name], this is [Dancer's Name]. I'm a [age]-year-old dancer from [City/Neighborhood Name]. I'm calling because I've been invited to compete in [Competition Name], and I'm reaching out to local businesses for support. Do you have a few minutes to chat about this?

[If yes]

Dancer: Great, thank you! [Competition Name] is a prestigious dance competition happening in [Location] on [Date]. It's a big opportunity for me to represent our community and showcase my skills that I've developed over [X] years of dancing.

My mom and I are reaching out to local businesses like yours to help with the costs of competing, like travel and entry fees. In return, we'd love to promote your business through social media shout outs as well as offering you free tickets to our fundraising performance this February

Would you be interested in supporting a young local artist like me? We'd be grateful for any level of support you could offer.

[If they seem interested]

Dancer: That's wonderful! Would you like me to email you more information about the competition and how you can help? Or would you prefer if my mom and I stop by your business to discuss this in person?

[If they need time to think]

Dancer: I understand completely. May I send you an email with more information for you to consider? What's the best email address to use?


Dancer: Thank you so much for your time, [Name]. I really appreciate you considering supporting youth arts in our community. Have a great day!

Email Script

Subject: Local Dancer Seeking Support for [Competition Name]

Dear [Business Owner's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Mom's Name], and I'm reaching out on behalf of my daughter, [Dancer's Name], a [age]-year-old dancer from [City/Neighborhood Name].

[Dancer's Name] has been invited to participate in [Competition Name], a prestigious dance competition taking place in [Location] on [Date]. This is an incredible opportunity for her to showcase her talent and represent our community on a larger stage.

We're reaching out to local businesses like [Business Name] to ask for support in making this dream a reality. The competition involves significant costs, including travel expenses, accommodation, and entry fees.

In return for your support, we would be thrilled to promote [Business Name] through:

- Social media shoutouts to our [number] followers &

-Offering you free tickets to our fundraising performance in Feb

Your support would not only help [Dancer's Name] pursue her passion but also demonstrate [Business Name]'s commitment to nurturing local talent and supporting the arts in our community.

We would be grateful for any level of support you can offer. If you're interested in learning more or discussing this opportunity, we'd be happy to meet in person or have a call at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the possibility of partnering with [Business Name].

Best regards,

[Mom's Name] and [Dancer's Name]

[Contact Information]